Friday 25 January 2013

'Human sniffers' confirm complaints over factory odours - Thailand

'Human sniffers' confirm complaints over factory odours - The Nation: With their specialised abilities becoming officially recognised in Thailand last year, "human sniffers" yesterday confirmed that the foul odours from an animal-feed factory in Nakhon Pathom have exceeded acceptable limits.
The tests were conducted after the abbot of the neighbouring Or Noi Temple erected a sign saying that his monastery is "for sale" because the bad smell from the factory had become unbearable. The high-profile case has also put the spotlight on "human sniffers".

The Pollution Control Department (PCD) searched for the keen-nosed experts for the first time last year. Of 500 tested, just 124 have sailed through and become registered. Their licences as qualified olfactory experts are valid for one year, after which they have to undergo another round of tough testing.

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