Monday, 3 September 2012

Taramore Pty Ltd t/as Ontraq Haulage fined for driving exceeded the permissible hours

Defendant Taramore Pty Ltd t/as Ontraq Haulage (ACN 102 633 750)

Description of Breach(es) Charge 1-8 - Being a responsible person at a workplace failed to ensure that a commercial vehicle driver who was required to drive a commercial vehicle, that formed whole or part of the workplace, (without a relief driver) drove that vehicle in accordance with regulation 3.132(2)(a) of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996; Contrary to regulation 3.131(1)(a), 3.132(2)(a) and 1.16 of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996.
Charge 9 - Being a responsible person at a workplace failed to ensure that a commercial vehicle driver who was required to drive a commercial vehicle that formed the whole or part of the workplace was certified by a medical practitioner as fit to drive the vehicle: contrary to regulations 3.131(1)(b) and 1.16 of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996.

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