Monday, 17 September 2012

Leading UK snack food manufacturer, Walkers Snack Foods Ltd in court "failed to properly assess the risks"

RNN media information for journalists and the press - Press Releases - Leading UK snack food manufacturer in court - Regional News Network: Walkers Snack Foods Ltd has been fined after a 400 kilogramme block of compacted snack waste fell on a worker, breaking his leg.

The employee, who has asked not to be named, was working as a forklift truck driver at the company’s site in Newark Road, Lincoln, when the incident happened on 17 December 2010. He was trying to put the block into a wheeled bin when the bin overturned and the compacted waste landed on him, fracturing his lower left leg.

Lincoln Magistrates’ Court heard today (17 September) that waste pellets from the Quavers production line ran off a machine into a magnum bin – a large plastic box with slots underneath for the forks of a forklift truck. The pellets solidified into a large block, which could not be dug out of the magnum so the worker and a colleague used the forklift to turn the magnum over so the block fell out.

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