Newsroom - Press Releases: Five crew were rescued from a liferaft this evening after their fishing vessel Chloe T began to sink 17 nautical miles south west of Bolt Head.
Brixham Coastguard received a distress alert from the vessel at just before 4.20pm. The vessel reported that they were taking on water in the engine room. They immediately sent the RNLI lifeboat based at Salcombe and the Royal Navy Rescue Helicopter from Culdrose to the scene. They broadcast a warning to vessels in the area asking vessels in the vicinity to head for the scene. Maersk Patras, Amber J, Brittany Ferry Armorique, Dart Angler and Lady Maureen responded.
After the fishing vessel lost power and the pumps failed all the crew of the Penzance based registered fishing vessel number TZ1186 took to the liferaft. The ferry Armorique and Maersk Partas reached the scene first and stood-by the liferaft until the helicopter arrived and winched the crew to safety. The five crew are now safely back on shore and Brixham Coastguard are liasing with the owner over salvage of the vessel.
Brixham Coastguard Watch Manager David Colmer said:
The actions of this crew almost certainly resulted in them all being rescued from this dangerous situation. They called the Coastguard at an early stage, all wore lifejackets and took to the life raft when the situation onboard deteriorated.
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